Peter - the maker and tuner

Peter, maker/tuner

It was about the end of 2012 when a friend of mine showed me an unknown musical instrument. And it was love at first sight. Since at that time buying a handpan was not an option for me, I immediately started thinking how to make one. At the beginning of 2014 I started studying how steel behaves and making my instrument. It was not until the next two years, when I made my first handpan, and after years of improving the technology of making, as well as my skills, I decided to share my ”brainchild“ with my family and friends. Later on, with Martin we agreed to join forces and to build our own brand, that we could be proud of also around the world.

Martin - maker and all-rounder

Martin, maker/all-rounder

I will never forget the memory of hanging around in Bruges. There, in a square, not far away from Belfry of Bruges I overheard that beautiful sound, I had not heard before…I remained standing motionless, and it felt like time had stopped… That exceptional sound enchanted me, and I started to be interested in handpans. Over time, I got to making them, and I fell in love with this instrument. Afterward, Peter and I started thinking about our own brand, which has brought us to this point and you are reading our story 🙂 We believe, that our instruments will make your day, therefore our motto is „Tune up your day“


Do you like our handpans and want to buy one?

If you like our handpans and sound they can make then do not hesitate and click the button below, you will be redirected to our order page where you can specify your requirements.

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